SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 2023 AT 1 PM – 3 PM
Youth Sunday Presents – Chili Cook Off/Dinner
Fairview Baptist Church
The FBC Youth Classes proudly invites you to their Benefit Chili Challenge/Chili Dinner.
We will be having a “friendly competition” Chili Challenge. Try each chili entry and buy a vote for $1 or just fill up a bowl and eat with us.
Can’t decide on which bowl of Chili is your favorite? That is perfectly fine because our kiddos will have a bucket nearby to place donations in….or you are welcome to vote for all entries 

The FBC Youth Classes have chosen to donate all proceeds from this youth event – The Chili Challenge – to Kenly Taylor’s friend, Cara Corcione & family. Cara, 15, is fighting Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. She is the daughter of Joey and Carrie Corcione.
We love a good Chili Challenge and we have an awesome bunch of kiddos at church that will be paying this even forward!
We would also like to ask that you help by sending up prayers for Cara and her family.
If you can’t make it to this event but would like to donate money, let us know and we will get your donation in the bucket.
Thank you for supporting our FBC Youth Classes!!
Donations will be accepted & appreciated for example… chili entries, crackers, bowls, anything chili and lots of prayers for our youth classes to keep growing and keep their desire to be a blessing
Donations will be accepted & appreciated for example… chili entries, crackers, bowls, anything chili and lots of prayers for our youth classes to keep growing and keep their desire to be a blessing
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