Christmas isn’t Cancelled!
One of the most popular activities of the Holiday Season is visiting a traditional Christmas Market and has become an annual tradition for many. Sadly, this year most markets & fairs have been postponed. Our Virtual Christmas Market is bringing the spirit and fun of a real Christmas Market into the homes of all Christmas fans of Polk County, TN. This year instead of spending our hard earned money at big chain stores, lets keep #PolkStrong and support our local economy. When you shop local this Christmas you are giving the gift of jobs, family income, kids activities, better schools and so much more.
There are so many talented Polk folks and this is a chance to highlight their handcrafted jewels. If you would like to join in, simply share your craft, creation or creative piece in the discussion section of the POLKMIX EVENT HERE and sell it or give it way to bless another! If you have a link to your website, post it! Or if you have an Esty Shop or FB Page give it! Have a great time sharing and shopping at the Polk Virtual Christmas Market.
Sellers assume full responsibility for the sales and pick-up of items sold. Thanks for your interest and have a very Merry Christmas!

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