2/19 How To Thru-Hike The Appalachian Trail


How To Thru-Hike The Appalachian Trail

Hiwassee/Ocoee State Park
Have you ever wanted to learn about thru-hiking or section-hiking for a long-distance trail? Do you want to discover “why” Ranger Jeremy would spend almost ½ a year in the woods trekking from Georgia to Maine? Do you desire to have a once in a lifetime adventure by backpacking? If you have asked these sorts of questions, be encouraged to come and join us to learn just “how” and “why” Ranger Jeremy finished his thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail (2,190.9 miles) back in 2018. If he can hike it, so can you!
This program is tailored to give you an entry level overview to thru-hiking. We will discuss how to plan and prepare for thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail. Feel free to bring your pack loaded with your gear for an (optional) pack shake-down that will take place at the end of the program.
What to expect from this program:
Optional Pack Shake-down
Tips & Tricks
Reduction of Pack Weight
Educational Resources
Trail Lingo
Thru-Hiker Trail Diet
Fun & Laughter
Inspiration & Motivation
Q&A with 2018 AT Thru-hiker “OnStep/Ranger Jeremy”

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