3/12 Sending the Lady Cougars off to STATE
Anyone interested in sending the Lady Cougars off to state on the west side of the county, Adventures Unlimited has...
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Anyone interested in sending the Lady Cougars off to state on the west side of the county, Adventures Unlimited has...
Our Friends at Polk County FCA are hosting a night of worship and the Word on March 12 at @ocoeeriversidefarm...
The Polk County Industrial Economic Development Board will hold a called meeting Tuesday, March 12th at 6:00 at the Benton...
CBHS ACT Test Day for the juniors is 3/12. They need to be at school by 7:45 am.
Ball Play Missionary Baptist Church @6pm. We will welcome “The Troy Burns Family” to our Evening Worship Service. Bring a...
3-12-23 Sunday dinner at The Store, 2008 highway 30 Reliance. 423-338-7905 lunch starts at 12:00. Meat and 2 vegetables $9.00...
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