3/9 Fairview Baptist Church Old Timers Day & Dinner
Event by Fairview Baptist Church 879 Fairview Mountain Road, Reliance, TN Starts at 10am.
3/8 Copper Basin Baptist Association Office and Crisis Center Giveaway
Copper Basin Baptist Association Office and Crisis Center Saturday, March 8 10 am to Noon Copper Basin Crisis Center New...
3/2 Brice Moorhouse Preaching at Rock Creek Baptist Church
This Sunday, March 2nd, Brice Moorhouse will be with us preaching. Majority of our church will be away on a...
2/23 Wetmore Baptist Church Annual Chili cookoff
Wetmore Baptist Church Friendly reminder this Sunday is our annual chili cookoff starting at 5pm! We are in need of...
2/15 Drive-Through Food Giveaway Smyrna Baptist Ocoee, TN
We look forward to seeing you Saturday February 15th This food giveaway is for everybody They will need name, address,...
1/25 Wetmore Baptist Church Puzzle Gathering
Wetmore Baptist Church You are invited! This Saturday, January 25th, Haskell and Cindy Swafford are inviting you to come and...
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