6/24 Copper Basin Football Camp
Copper Basin Rec Association Raymond Akens,Justin Cochran & Chad Curtis and the rest of our amazing football coaches have been...
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Copper Basin Rec Association Raymond Akens,Justin Cochran & Chad Curtis and the rest of our amazing football coaches have been...
The Copper Basin Class of 76 are having a reunion Saturday, May 27 this summer. All members of the class...
Copper Basin Elementary School May 25th! (We rescheduled due to graduation being the third Thursday)
Copper Basin Riding Club Call in is Monday from 6 PM to 9 PM 9313208790 or 2562956082. Can enter both...
Josten’s will be at school on Monday, March 20th to do sizing for band members and athletes who have played...
3/16 Copper Basin High School Cheerleaders Bake Sale
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