2/27 Read Across America Week Copper Basin Elementary School
Copper Basin Elementary School Next week (Feb. 27th through March 3rd) we will have a little more fun in honor...
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Copper Basin Elementary School Next week (Feb. 27th through March 3rd) we will have a little more fun in honor...
Parents are invited to come and preview the new high school math book options. January 30 5:00 until 6:30
Copper Basin Elementary School The food pantry will be Thursday November 17th. Please do not arrive before 3:30. Early arrival...
Starting at 9:30 a.m. the Copper Basin High School is hosting a Veterans Day program guest speaker Russell Blackwell, a...
EVOC class for WPCFR and Copper Basin FD, Sept. 17th 9am & 18th 10am at HQ. All that need this...
Copper Basin Elementary School Thursday the 15th is the food pantry. Please do not come before 3:30pm. If you are...
Board of Education meeting will be Monday, July 18 at Copper Basin High School at 7:00 p.m.
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