6/8 Conasauga River Baptist Church Prayer Breakfast
Conasauga River Baptist Church · Everyone Welcome Speaker: Tim Quesenberry.
3/16 Greasy Creek Baptist Church Men’s Breakfast
Greasy Creek Baptist Church Men, come be with us!! We will have lots of Food, Fellowship and a message by...
3/9 Ladies Prayer Breakfast at Conasauga River Baptist Church
Conasauga River Baptist Church will be having our ladies prayer breakfast. Saturday March 9th at 9 am. Peggy Moore will...
3/4-8 National School Breakfast Week
March 4-8 is National School Breakfast Week. If your child doesn’t participate in our FREE breakfast, please encourage them too!...
12/9 Breakfast with SANTA at Blue Hole Cafe
Event by Ocoee River Experience and Blue Hole Cafe We are doing a toy/food drive until Christmas! On Saturday December 9th starting at...
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