3/13 Brotherhood Men’s Ministry Breakfast Shiloh Baptist Church, Ocoee, TN
Set your clocks ahead one hour this Saturday night so you won’t be late to church on Sunday morning! Bonus:...
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Set your clocks ahead one hour this Saturday night so you won’t be late to church on Sunday morning! Bonus:...
Please encourage your child to eat breakfast in the cafeteria next week for National school breakfast week! All student eats...
12/11-12 Ocoee Dam Deli & Diner Breakfast with Santa From 9am-11am.
IT’S TIME FOR SHILOH’S BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST! Will be Sunday 11/7/21 at 9am. Address: 358 US-64, Ocoee, TN 37361 Join in Sunday...
Don’t forget about the Mother’s Day breakfast on 5/9/21 starting at 8:45 at FBC Bento.n, TN
Men’s Breakfast 2/20 at 8:00. Come fellowship and be physically and spiritually fed!
Attention all men! Join us this Saturday 1/16/21 for food, fellowship, and a message in our Christian Activities Building. We...
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