6/27 Homecoming Day at Conversion Church at Oak Grove Benton, TN
Come join Conversion Church at Oak Grove for our Homecoming Day! They will have special singing and will serve lunch...
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Come join Conversion Church at Oak Grove for our Homecoming Day! They will have special singing and will serve lunch...
There will be a a rummage yard sale June 19th at Ocoee Church of God. You can set up and...
Come join us Polk County for our Nesting with Nurture the Next. Saturday June 19th at Crossroads Baptist Church in...
Homecoming at Smyrna Baptists Church in Ocoee, Tennessee is this Sunday June 13, 2021 at 10:30 am Come and worship...
VBS 6/6-10 6:30-8:30. Theme is “Walking with Jesus”. Mountain Springs Baptist Church 4834 Ladd Springs Rd Old Fort,TN
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