3/7 Lillard-Shadow Scholarship Application Deadline
Volunteer Energy Cooperative – Official Attention High School Seniors in the Volunteer Energy Cooperative Service Area Volunteer Energy Cooperative is...
2/28 Deadline for Paying 2024 Property Taxes Without Interest
February 28 is the deadline for paying 2024 Property Taxes without interest. Payments can be made in person at the...
2/18 Applications Deadline for Seasonal Interpretive Ranger
Applications are NOW OPEN for Seasonal Interpretive Ranger positions at our park! Apply now at tnstateparks.info/SIRApply25. SIRs lead educational programs...
2/5 Elania Phillips Scholarship Deadline
Elania Phillips Scholarship Must be turned into Mrs. Amanda Eric Gentry ( 2-5-25) Come see me for the application
12/18 Deadline to Mail Letters to Santa Cotton’s Place Benton, TN
Santa is ready to receive letters!! The cut off is December 18th to ensure that your child receives a letter...
12/10 CHRIST-mas Fund & Polk County Angels Drop-off Deadline
CHRIST-mas Fund & Polk County Angels Come Sponsor a Angel.. Pick one up from the courthouse in Polk County. Drop...
11/30 Empty Stocking Application Deadline
Program Applications for the Empty Stocking Fund will be released on November 1st. The deadline is November 30th.
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