3/17 First Aid, Professional CPR, and WFR Re Certification Class Ocoee, TN
Standard First Aid, Professional CPR, and Wilderness First Responder (WFR) re certification class will be held at Cherokee Rafting Sunday...
12/28 First Baptist Church Benton Teen/Adult Soccer Signup Deadline
First Baptist Church Benton Tennessee Register your team by December 28th!
First Steps Parents Day Out at First Baptist Benton Enrollment Open
First Steps Parents Day Out at First Baptist Benton We have spots available in our two year old room and...
12/17 First Baptist Church Benton Tennessee Christmas Cantata
First Baptist Church Benton Tennessee
12/3 Youth Christmas Fundraiser First Baptist Church Benton Tennessee
First Baptist Church Benton Tennessee Tomorrow our youth will have a camp fundraiser table set up that is loaded with...
Christmas Assistance Program NOW Open with First Baptist Church Benton
Registration is now open for the Christmas assistance program of First Baptist Church Benton Tennessee Please apply here: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSd1T3OoIh0PVS…/viewform
9/24 First United Methodist Church Homecoming
First United Methodist Church at 146Scenic Drive in Copperhill, will celebrate their 134th Homecoming on Sunday, September 24, at 11...
7/24 First Fruits Fannin onsite in Copperhill, TN
Go by Monday and grab a meal, share a prayer, and pick up some food for home. First Fruits Fannin...
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