2/16 Valentine’s day Flowers of Love Church Service
Event by Fairview Baptist Church 879 Fairview Mountain Road, Reliance, TN Come join us for Valentine’s day Flowers of Love Church...
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Event by Fairview Baptist Church 879 Fairview Mountain Road, Reliance, TN Come join us for Valentine’s day Flowers of Love Church...
Valentines Day is just around the corner, place your order early and get the early bird special.. 595.9781
TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 AT 5:30 PM EDT – 6:30 PM EDT May Flowers West Polk Public Library 126 Polk...
This Saturday march 6th there will be girl scouts at Shorty’s Flowers in Benton selling their cookies stop by get...
Shorty’s Flowers in Benton, TN is Celebrating their one year Valentine’s day anniversary. In honor of this occasion they will...
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