2/16 Valentine’s Dance South Polk Elementary
South Polk Elementary Get ready to dance the night away at our Valentine’s Dance on February 16th for our 4th...
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South Polk Elementary Get ready to dance the night away at our Valentine’s Dance on February 16th for our 4th...
South Polk Elementary Thursday, January 25th, is our 100th day of school! To celebrate, students are welcome to dress like...
South Polk Elementary has an angel tree this year! All kids on it are from Polk County. If you’d like...
South Polk Elementary Join us as we celebrate Grandparents Day! Be looking for more details coming home with your child...
South Polk Elementary Fall picture day is coming up! It will be Thursday, August 31, 2023. More info will be...
Wednesday, April 26th is graduation pictures for PRE-K, Kindergarten, & Fifth grade. Pictures must be pre-paid, but every single kid...
We are celebrating Random Acts of Kindness February 13th- February 17th at SPES!! Here is our spirit week day outfits!!
at 5 o’clock in the gym we will be having a meeting with ALL third grade parents to discuss the...
Thursday January 26th, we will be having a parent engagement math night from 4pm to 6 pm led by Mr...
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