Polk Mix is resharing this information from Farley-Morrison:
Hey.. I’m (Farley-Morrison) trying to help Lil Bit’s mom and dad with some funds. Ryann has missed 6 weeks of work and they may have another few weeks left. Ryann, doesn’t get paid for his time off. They still have their rent, etc… at home and living in Nashville for 6 weeks is adding up quickly. Several of you guys reading this have sent funds to them and.. that’s simply awesome. We can’t thank you enough!! I’m not the one to ever ask for money. So.. I had these made so, I could give something in return. If you would like to buy these for $5, I’ll send you a cool black Team Ella Bracelet. Team Ella Rose is on the top and the other is on the bottom of the bracelet.
The sizes I have are… adult large and adult XL. Just let me know what size you want.
Reach out and message here if you want one:Â https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10222334412043442&set=pcb.10222334412723459
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