Polk’s Homeschool Network Offers FREE Enrichment Programs
For more info visit PolkHomeschool.com and join the learning adventure. The Polk County TN Homeschool Network is an outreach of...
PolkMix.com l fb.com/polkmixcom l FREE listings
For more info visit PolkHomeschool.com and join the learning adventure. The Polk County TN Homeschool Network is an outreach of...
Thanksgiving Menu *Pick and choose or make it a meal* Let Big Mama take care of your Thanksgiving this year....
They are so excited for the 1st Annual Four Rivers Family Events by Poppeas LLC and Four Rivers Festival Pageant....
Check them out here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/757193271628054 Special thru the 4th, $20 each and customization available!
No-cost spay/neuter surgeries for cats and dogs available through SHARP for Polk residents with a household income under $45,000. Please...
Safe Haven Animal Rescue Program (SHARP) HOLY MOLY ! SHARP is excited to share this news. They been awarded a...
Based in southeast TN, Ocoee Glamping offers a unique experience of bringing luxury camping to your own backyard. FROM THEIR...
✴️ 3 in 1 Garden Box ✴️ Introducing our cedar planter box with a stair stepped design! Created to allow...
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